
St Lawrence Church is a charitable organisation and we run on your generous donations. Almost every penny spent at St Lawrence comes from people giving generously to support our work. Whether you give to say thank you for something we have done for you or your family, to support our work in the community or out of gratitude to God for all that He has done and given, all donations are appreciated. These enable to provide activities in our local community, services and worship, as well as to pay for the upkeep of our Grade 1 listed building.

Please do consider making a donation, either one-off or regular to support the work of the church. You can do so in the following ways:

ONLINE: You can donate securely here.

CASH/CHEQUE: You can give via cash or cheque at any of our services, or you can post/deliver it to our Parish Office address

Parish Office, 3 Vicarage Close, Hatfield, Doncaster, DN7 6RX

REGULAR STANDING ORDER/BANK TRANSFER: If you would like to make a bank transfer, or to set up a regular gift each month via standing order, then please use the bank details below. It would also help us if you email to let us know to expect it.

Account Name: St Lawrence Hatfield PCC

Account No: 31267655

Sort Code: 40-44-14